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Blog Hop

Winter Spanks Blog Hop


I am pleased to announce that The Cover Artisan will be participating on the Winter Spanks Blog Hop. A very special piece of artwork has been constucted just for the hop. You can check it out and have a look at the new blog by following the link below.

Cassie's Space

By PK Corey

Featured Cover

Meet Cassie, a former wild child, who meets her match, and creates the match of a lifetime. To nearly all who know her now, Cassie is a vivacious, sweet southern lady, who is the epitome of grace and proper behavior. Look a tiny bit closer and you’ll see that Cassie has another side – the one whose language could make a sailor blush as she drinks him under the table.


This was one of my favorite covers to do. I was actually on vacation at the time and got the inpiration when I was sitting next to a pond and examining different wild flowers.  - TCA

The cover looks gorgeous. I'm very happy with the classic look and feel. Please let the artist know that I really like it, and he did a great job. Thank you for all your attention toward addressing my concerns. : )

-Karla Tipton author of Rings of Passage


Oh my Gosh!! Stunning work. Picking my favorite was sooooooo hard. But I'm definitely going to have to go with cover num 1. Reason? Even though I love them both, when I looked at cover num 1, I felt as if Keiran was staring back at me. Wow!

-Kristy Centeno author of Love Resurrected 



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